D - define term and state a topic sentence from the question
E - give example(s) from the text
E - explain the example(s)
R - refer back to the question
Define term and state a topic sentence from the question
This means that you define any terms that need to be addressed in your response. Also, you need to begin with a topic sentence. A topic sentence is a sentence that expresses the main idea of a paragraph.
Give example(s) from the text
As the constructed response question is meant to show how well you comprehend and are able to draw inferences from the prompt, it is essential that you give examples from the text to show how well it supports your answer.
Explain the example(s)
In addition to the evidence you have cited from the text, you will need to supply your own reasoning for why you think your answer is correct. After stating your example you would explain it fully. (The EE is repeated when the question asks for two references.)
Refer back to the question
Refer back to what the question asked to conclude your constructed response.